Pila­tique in English

You’­re wel­co­me to move mindful­ly in pri­va­te and duo Pila­tes ses­si­ons. In Pila­tes, we focus on an ana­to­mic­al­ly func­tion­al trai­ning of the body while inte­gra­ting breath, con­cen­tra­ti­on and per­cep­ti­on and beco­ming more awa­re of how we move. The aim is to streng­then the body, reli­e­ve it from strains and (re-)establish a balan­ced rela­ti­onship bet­ween strength and mobility.

Solo and Duo Sessions

Regard­less of your age or fit­ness level, I (Ire­ne) work with you to cul­ti­va­te a per­so­na­li­zed pro­gram based on your goals, issues or inju­ries. We use the Pila­tes machi­nes to sup­port and chall­enge your indi­vi­du­al needs. 

In Duo ses­si­ons, you can prac­ti­ce tog­e­ther with a fri­end or part­ner. The Wel­co­me Packa­ge is a gre­at way to get star­ted. In 3 ses­si­ons, you will find out how Pila­tes fits for you.

 Get in touch with me: post@​pilatique.​de (wai­ting list)


  • Wel­co­me Packa­ge 3 ses­si­ons: Solo 175 €, Duo 90 p.P. (good for 1 month)
  • 10 class card: Solo 590€, Duo 310€ p.P. (good for 4 months)
  • 5 class card: Solo 310€, Duo 170€ p.P (good for 2 months)
  • sin­gle les­son: Solo 70€, Duo 40€ p.P.

Plea­se allow a mini­mum of 24 hours can­cel­la­ti­on noti­ce or the­re will be a full ser­vice charge.